Back & Neck Conditions
Joint Conditions
What causes Hip and Groin pain?
Hip and groin conditions are one of the most painful types of bodily pain, but our first-rate medical programs can deliver a customized solution. Atlantic Spine Center uses a combination of advanced rehabilitation care, combined with modern regenerative medical treatments, including repair cells and blood plasma with platelets, to deliver top patient treatments for hip and groin pain sufferers. Our goal is to help you become more mobile so that you can get back to participating in day-to-day activities that you have forgone because of living with hip immobility and pain.
Hip and Groin Causes
While everyone is different, there are some common hip conditions that we are able to diagnose and treat. They are:
- Labral Tear – When the connective tissue in the hip joint falters, either due to sudden trauma or twisting, this can put a halt on athletic activities. Some patients actually hear the tear when it happens, while others feel it after gradual wear and tear from overuse. It can be felt throughout the butt, hips and groin.
- Hip Flexor Strain – This is a type of muscle strain that causes pain in the frontal hip region or groin, often due to sudden contraction of the muscles in the hip flexor. Small tears may cause a little bit of pain or loss of function, while a bigger tear or rupture will lead to significant immobility. When the patient tries to move or pull, they may experience sharp pain in the groin or front of the hip.
- Osteitis Pubis – Another athletically-inclined overuse injury that can lead to inflammation and tissue damage in the pelvis, particularly where the pubic symphysis joins together.
- Trochanteric Bursitis – Inflammation from the small sac located externally on the hip, also called “bursa”. This happens usually because of repetitive activities or long-lasting pressure, perhaps from laying on hard surfaces over a period of time or from weight-lifting injuries. The hip pain is known to radiate down the legs through the hamstrings and thighs.
- Adductor Tendonitis – Forceful contraction or overuse of adductor muscles can lead to this condition, which usually happens during quick acceleration activities (i.e. – football, soccer) or from running and changing directions quickly. The pain is most felt when the patient squeezes the legs together or when lifting the leg up from the core.
- Hip Arthritis – Osteoarthritis affects millions of people, and hip arthritis is a type of degenerative condition associated with aging. The wear and tear are progressive, thus the bone and cartilage of the hip joint swell and cause pain and inflexibility, making walking and other normal activities difficult.
- Groin Strain – Forceful impact or repetition can lead to a groin strain, which is either small or large tearing with the set of adductor muscles. A patient with groin strain may experience large rupture, sharp pain, swelling, muscle spasms, pulling sensations, soreness, and fatigue or tightening near the thigh and groin area.
- Hip fracture – A facture is a less common pain issue but this break in a bone of a hip joint is a serious injury and needs special surgical repair. Usually, the fracture causes swelling, bruising, limited mobility and inability to walk and put weight on the leg. In this case, you should seek immediate medical care.
- Inguinal hernia – A groin hernia is a bulge of soft tissues in the groin on a side of the pubic bone. It becomes more obvious when straining, bending, and lifting things.
- Sciatica – Sciatica is also a less common cause of hip and groin pain. Sciatica radiating pain can be caused by issues with the sciatic nerve, which is a large nerve of the lower limb. The pain can be located in the legs, hips, and lower back.
Hip and Groin Symptoms
The symptoms depend on the cause of hip pain, but frequently it can be located in the groin, buttocks, thigh, inner side of a joint, or front of a hip.
Some stiffness, swelling, and tenderness are also very common symptoms of hip pain.
Hip and groin conditions can also show with sounds like crunching or clicking while moving. You can also feel locking or catching sensations.
Your symptoms can be present during activities like walking, running, or climbing, or appear only during rest. The pain can worsen during nighttime or when you lie on the aching side.
In general, many hip and groin conditions limit your mobility and it can be hard to perform usual daily activities like putting on your socks or shoes.
Hip and Groin Diagnosis
In many cases, home remedies can help you ease the pain, but if the pain doesn’t go away for a while, you should seek medical care.
You should immediately see the doctor if your hip joints are visibly deformed when you can’t move your leg or hip after a fall or put weight on the affected leg.
Don’t hesitate to go to a doctor if you have swelling, redness or chills, and severe pain.
The diagnosis is usually performed in several phases. The first is medical history. For a physician to diagnose a condition causing hip and groin pain, they need to look at a few different aspects of your pain. The medical history of the patient is taken into account, along with a physical examination. To determine your diagnosis, a doctor will ask you to describe the symptoms and pain. Usually, he or she can ask when the pain started, whether it gets worse after certain activities or times of the day, and whether it affects your daily life.
During the physical examination, the physician will test for nerve function, as well as how strong the muscle is in certain areas of the legs and hips. The physical manipulation tests that are performed should give your doctor a good idea of your condition.
An accurate diagnosis often involves using a variety of imaging tests and tools:
- X-rays, which show the structure of spinal vertebrae and the outline of spinal joints;
- MRI, CT, and PET scans, which produce images of the bones;
- A blood test can be performed if the pain seems to be caused by an infection.
Hip and Groin Treatment
A short period of rest helps your hip heal. To reduce the pain, you can use some home remedies like ice packs or heat and apply them to the aching spots.
In general, treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms. Usually, the first option is conservative treatment.
Medication might include prescription drugs like oral steroids or – for short periods – opioid analgesics, and muscle relaxers; over-the-counter remedies such as non-steroidal anti-inflammation drugs (NSAIDs) like naproxen and ibuprofen.
In more serious cases, your doctor can recommend some procedures or therapy. Physical and occupational therapy can be very effective as a hip pain treatment. A therapist can show you special exercises to strengthen muscles and increase flexibility. You can also improve aerobic conditioning with gentle exercises like walking and water therapy. An occupational specialist can also help you find movements that cause less pain. Also, there are some alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, massage, or yoga. Some forms of massage therapy can be helpful to relax tight muscles and improve circulation. It can relieve pain, as well as prevent future damage.
Even though rest can help your hip heal, do not avoid movement at all times. It is essential to keep your muscles active and joints active to prevent stiffness and improve circulation. Some physical exercises can also improve balance, strength and mobility.
Preventing hip and groin issues is the best thing you can do to minimize the chance of developing some conditions and pain.
Regular exercise - cardiovascular exercise and stretching - strengthen the supporting muscles and improve flexibility.
Good nutrition can also help your joints and muscles. Foods that are high in calcium and vitamin D, such as dairy foods and leafy green vegetables, can help prevent the bones from becoming thin and brittle. Drinking enough water is another key part of nutrition. As liquid is an essential part of back tissues and many issues originate from tissue dehydration, mind your water intake.
Get back to peak performance with our world-class team of physical therapists, rehabilitation experts, chiropractors and board-certified physicians. We take hip and groin pain very seriously and will help you get back to your best condition quickly and naturally, without drugs or surgery if at all possible.